How to Distract Yourself from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings

If you are struggling with anxious thoughts and feelings, it can be difficult to stay focused and productive. Fortunately, there are some simple strategies you can use to distract yourself from these anxious thoughts and feelings. Here are five ways to help you distract yourself from anxious thoughts and feelings:

1. Exercise: Exercise is a great way to help clear your mind and reduce stress levels. Whether it’s a light jog or an intense workout, physical activity releases endorphins that can help boost your mood and energy levels.

2. Read: Reading can be a great way to take your mind off of anxious thoughts and feelings. Choose something that interests you – whether it’s fiction or non-fiction – so that you can get lost in the story or topic at hand.

3. Listen To Music: Music has the power to lift our spirits, reduce stress levels, and make us feel more relaxed. So put on some of your favorite tunes for a few moments each day as this will help take your mind off of any anxious thoughts or feelings you may have been experiencing recently.

4. Talk To A Friend Or Family Member: Talking about how we’re feeling with someone we trust can be incredibly therapeutic as it allows us to express our worries without judgement or criticism from others who may not understand what we’re going through mentally or emotionally at the time .

5 . Take A Break From Technology : Staying away from technology for even just an hour each day is also beneficial when trying to manage anxiety as technology often serves as a source of distraction which can lead us further down the rabbit hole of anxiety if not managed properly . Taking regular breaks from technology will allow us time away from any negative influences online while also giving us space away from any stressful tasks surrounding work , school , etc .


anxious thoughts, feelings, distract, exercise, read, music, talk to friend/family member, break from technology,
