Living with Severe Asthma: Tips for Coping & Managing Symptoms

Living with severe asthma can be a challenging experience, but it doesn’t have to be. With proper management and understanding of the condition, it is possible to live a full and active life. Below are some tips for coping with and managing symptoms of severe asthma:

1. Know your triggers: It is important to identify what triggers your asthma attacks so you can avoid them or have an action plan in place if you come into contact with them. Common triggers include dust mites, pollen, pet dander, mold, smoke, cold air and exercise. Talk to your doctor about any potential triggers that may affect you specifically.

2. Take medication as prescribed: Asthma medications can help reduce symptoms and prevent attacks from occurring. Make sure to take all medications as prescribed by your doctor in order to keep your symptoms under control. Additionally, make sure to always carry an inhaler with you in case of emergency situations or sudden onset of symptoms.

3. Exercise regularly: Exercise is an important part of managing asthma symptoms because it strengthens the lungs and helps build endurance against shortness of breath during physical activity or exercise-induced asthma flare-ups. However, make sure not to overexert yourself as this could trigger an attack; start slowly and gradually increase intensity over time while monitoring how your body responds so that you don’t overexert yourself too much too quickly

4. Monitor your environment: Being aware of environmental factors like temperature changes or air quality can help prevent attacks from occurring due to environmental factors such as cold weather or air pollution levels being too high on certain days in certain areas etc.. If necessary use a portable air purifier when indoors if there are high levels of allergens present in the air (such as dust mites).

5 . Get plenty of rest & relaxation: Stress has been linked to worsening asthmatic conditions so it is important for those living with severe asthma get plenty of restful sleep each night (around 7-9 hours) so their body has time for healing & recovery from daily activities & stressors which could potentially trigger an attack if not managed properly . Additionally try relaxation techniques such as meditation , yoga , breathing exercises etc which can help reduce stress levels & improve overall well-being .

Living with severe asthma doesn't have to be difficult; following these tips will help manage symptoms while still allowing individuals living with this condition enjoy a full life!


Severe Asthma, Triggers, Medication, Exercise, Environment, Rest & Relaxation,
