How to Manage Stress When You Have Bipolar Disorder

Living with bipolar disorder can be stressful, and managing stress is an important part of managing the disorder. If you have bipolar disorder, here are some tips to help you manage your stress levels:

1. Get organized. Setting up a plan for how you will manage your daily tasks can help reduce stress. Make sure to include time for yourself in the plan and make sure to stick to it as best as possible.

2. Exercise regularly. Exercise releases endorphins which can help reduce stress levels and improve your moods. Even if it’s just a short walk around the block, try to get some physical activity in each day.

3. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation when feeling overwhelmed or anxious. These techniques can help you stay calm and focused in stressful situations and help prevent manic episodes or depressive episodes from occurring due to unmanaged stress levels.

4. Talk with someone about what you’re feeling, whether it’s a friend, family member, therapist or support group member who understands what you’re going through and can provide emotional support when needed most . Talking about your feelings helps relieve tension and reduces the risk of bottling up emotions that could lead to more serious issues down the line like depression or mania .

5 . Get enough sleep . Sleep deprivation is linked with increased risk of depression , mania , anxiety , irritability , confusion , poor concentration , fatigue , impaired decision making skills all of which are associated with bipolar disorder . Make sure that you get enough restful sleep each night so that your body can recover from the day's activities properly .


Bipolar disorder, stress, organize, exercise, relaxation techniques, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, talk to someone, emotions, depression, mania, anxiety, irritability, confusion, poor concentration, fatigue, impaired decision making skills.,
