Everything You Need To Know About Treating and Preventing Cavities

Cavities are one of the most common dental problems and can be painful and cause long-term damage to your teeth if left untreated. Fortunately, cavities can be treated and prevented with proper oral hygiene. Here is everything you need to know about treating and preventing cavities.

What Causes Cavities?

Cavities occur when bacteria in the mouth combine with sugar from food or drinks to form acid that wears away at the enamel of your teeth. As the enamel weakens, a cavity forms in the tooth’s surface, making it more vulnerable to further decay. Poor oral hygiene, eating sugary foods or drinks, not visiting your dentist regularly, and having dry mouth can all contribute to an increased risk for cavities.

How Are Cavities Treated?
The treatment for a cavity depends on its size and severity. Smaller cavities may be treated with fluoride treatments or fillings that help restore the tooth’s structure and protect it from further decay. Larger cavities may require root canal therapy or even extraction if they have caused too much damage to the tooth’s structure.

How Can Cavities Be Prevented?
The best way to prevent cavities is through good oral hygiene habits such as brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing once a day, using mouthwash regularly, avoiding sugary foods or drinks, and visiting your dentist every six months for cleanings and checkups. Additionally, limiting snacking throughout the day can help reduce acid production in your mouth which helps prevent cavites from forming in the first place.

Cavity prevention is key for maintaining healthy teeth as well as avoiding expensive dental treatments down the line so make sure you are taking steps towards protecting your smile today!


Cavities, Dental Problems, Painful, Long-term Damage, Treating, Preventing, Bacteria, Sugar, Acid, Enamel, Poor Oral Hygiene, Eating Sugary Foods/Drinks, Visiting Dentist Regularly, Dry Mouth Risk Factors, Fluoride Treatments/Fillings, Root Canal Therapy/Extraction, Brushing Twice a Day/Fluoride Toothpaste, Flossing Once a Day, Using Mouthwash Regularly, Avoiding Sugary Foods/Drinks, Visiting Dentist Every Six Months Cleanings & Checkups, Limiting Snacking.,
