How to Avoid Spreading the Common Cold

The common cold is one of the most contagious illnesses, and it can be difficult to avoid spreading it to others. However, there are several steps you can take to reduce the chances of spreading the cold.

1. Wash Your Hands Often: Washing your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs that cause the common cold. Be sure to scrub between your fingers and under your nails as well.

2. Avoid Touching Your Face: Cold viruses enter our bodies through our eyes, nose, and mouth, so touching these areas with unwashed hands can easily spread germs from person to person. Try not to touch your face unless you’ve just washed your hands or used hand sanitizer.

3. Stay Home When You’re Sick: If you’re feeling ill or have a fever, stay home from work or school until you’re feeling better again. This will help prevent others from catching whatever illness you may have contracted.

4. Cover Your Coughs and Sneezes: Whenever you cough or sneeze, make sure that you cover your mouth with a tissue or elbow (not your hands). This will help contain any germs that may be present in droplets expelled during coughing or sneezing and reduce the chances of them spreading further into the air around you.

5. Disinfect Surfaces Regularly: Cleaning surfaces such as doorknobs, countertops, light switches and other commonly touched items around your home on a regular basis using disinfectant wipes will also help reduce potential sources of infection for yourself and others in contact with those surfaces later on down the line .

Following these simple steps can help keep yourself and those around you healthy by reducing exposure to germs that cause illnesses such as the common cold!


common cold, contagious illnesses, washing hands, soap, warm water, germs, touching face, eyes nose mouth, stay home sick, fever, cover coughs sneezes tissue elbow hands, disinfect surfaces regularly,
