Say Goodbye to Your Common Cold Symptoms Now!

When it comes to common colds, the symptoms can be downright miserable. From a sore throat and runny nose to coughing and sneezing, colds can put a damper on your day. Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate the symptoms of a cold so you can get back to feeling like yourself again. Here are five tips for saying goodbye to your common cold symptoms now:

1. Drink plenty of fluids – Staying hydrated is essential when you’re dealing with a cold. Drinking plenty of fluids helps thin out mucus, which will make it easier for you to breathe and help clear up congestion. Water is the best choice but if you’re not feeling up for that, warm tea with honey or juice can also do the trick.

2. Take over-the-counter medications – Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) can help reduce fever and relieve pain associated with a cold such as headaches and body aches. Be sure to read the label carefully before taking any medication and follow instructions closely.

3. Get some rest – When it comes to fighting off a cold, rest is key! Taking time off from work or school will give your body the chance it needs to fight off infection and recover faster so you can get back on your feet sooner rather than later.

4. Use humidifiers – Humidifiers help add moisture into the air which helps thin out mucus in your nasal passages making it easier for you to breathe while also helping reduce coughing fits due to dry airways caused by congestion from a cold virus infection .

5 . Gargle with salt water– Gargling with salt water helps relieve sore throat pain by reducing inflammation in your throat caused by postnasal drip due to excess mucus production during a common cold infection . Simply mix one teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water until dissolved then gargle for about 30 seconds before spitting out .

By following these five tips , you should be able say goodbye common cold symptoms in no time ! So don't let those pesky symptoms keep from doing what need do - take action now !


Common cold, symptoms, sore throat, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, fluids, ibuprofen (Advil), acetaminophen (Tylenol), rest, humidifiers, salt water,
