How to Increase Fiber Intake for Constipation Relief

If you suffer from constipation, increasing your fiber intake may help provide relief. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest and it helps to move food through the digestive system. When you increase your fiber intake, it can add bulk to your stool and help keep it moving along. Here are some tips for how to increase fiber intake for constipation relief:

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and can be a great way to get more fiber in your diet. Try adding more fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables into meals or snacks each day. Choose high-fiber options like apples, oranges, pears, strawberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, peas, beans and lentils.

2. Add whole grains: Whole grains are also high in fiber so try adding them into meals throughout the day as well. Choose whole grain breads or cereals for breakfast or opt for brown rice instead of white rice with dinner. Other good options include quinoa, oats and barley.

3. Snack on nuts/seeds: Nuts like almonds or walnuts are a great source of healthy fats but they’re also high in fiber too! Try snacking on a handful of nuts throughout the day or sprinkle some seeds over salads or yogurt for an extra boost of fiber-filled nutrition!

4. Use supplements: If you’re still having trouble getting enough dietary fiber from food sources alone then consider taking a supplement like psyllium husk powder which is derived from plantain seed husks that can be stirred into drinks like smoothies or juice to help get more dietary fibers into your diet each day!

5 Drink plenty of water: Lastly make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day as well since this will help keep everything moving along smoothly through your digestive system so that all those extra fibers can do their job properly!

By following these tips on how to increase your daily intake of dietary fibers you should start seeing some relief from constipation symptoms in no time!


constipation, fiber, carbohydrate, digestive system, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts/seeds, supplements, psyllium husk powder, water,
