How to Rebuild Self-Esteem After An Eating Disorder

If you have been struggling with an eating disorder, it can be difficult to rebuild your self-esteem. Eating disorders can have a lasting impact on your mental and physical health, and the resulting damage to your self-esteem can be just as damaging. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to rebuild your self-esteem after an eating disorder.

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: One of the most important steps in rebuilding your self-esteem is acknowledging that you are feeling low or inadequate in some way. This may mean recognizing that you have been struggling with an eating disorder, or it may mean taking time to recognize any negative thoughts or beliefs that you have about yourself. Taking the time to acknowledge these feelings will help you better understand what is causing them and how they are impacting your life.

2. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Once you’ve taken the time to acknowledge any negative thoughts or beliefs about yourself, it’s important to challenge them head on. Take some time each day to write down these thoughts and then challenge them with positive affirmations of who you are and what makes you unique and valuable as a person. It may also help to talk through these negative thoughts with a trusted friend or family member who can provide support throughout this process of challenging those limiting beliefs about yourself.

3. Find Support: Reaching out for help when rebuilding self-esteem is essential in order for this process to be successful in the long run. Consider seeking professional counseling from a therapist who specializes in treating individuals who struggle with eating disorders; they will be able to provide insight into how best approach this process of rebuilding self-esteem after an eating disorder diagnosis has been made. Additionally, connecting with other individuals who have gone through similar experiences can be incredibly helpful; try joining an online support group specifically designed for those recovering from an eating disorder so that you don’t feel alone during this difficult journey towards recovery and improved self-worth .

4. Prioritize Self Care: Self care is key when it comes to rebuilding your self esteem after an eating disorder diagnosis has been made; make sure that each day includes activities that bring joy into your life such as taking walks outside, reading books, listening music etc… Additionally try incorporating activities like yoga or meditation into your daily routine which will help reduce stress levels while also helping foster feelings of acceptance within oneself . Lastly make sure that each day includes at least one healthy meal so that both body and mind stay nourished throughout this process!


eating disorder, self-esteem, negative thoughts, positive affirmations, professional counseling, support group, self care, joy, yoga, meditation,
