How To Tell If Your Child's Fever Is Too High

If your child has a fever, it can be difficult to tell whether the temperature is too high or not. A fever is usually an indication of illness, and it's important to monitor your child's temperature and take appropriate action if necessary. Here are some tips on how to tell if your child's fever is too high:

1. Check the Temperature: The most obvious way to determine if a fever is too high is by taking your child’s temperature. Normal body temperature for children ranges from 97°F to 100.4°F, so any reading above this could indicate a fever. If you don’t have access to a thermometer, you can also feel your child’s forehead or neck with the back of your hand and compare it with yours – if their skin feels hotter than yours, they may have a fever.

2. Monitor Other Symptoms: In addition to checking the temperature, pay attention to other signs that could indicate a more serious condition such as vomiting, diarrhea, or difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these symptoms in addition to a high fever, seek medical advice immediately as they could be signs of something more serious than just an ordinary cold or flu virus.

3. Watch for Dehydration: One of the most common side effects of having a high fever is dehydration due to sweating and increased urination caused by the body trying to cool itself down naturally through sweating and increased urination (especially in younger children). Monitor how much fluid they are drinking throughout the day and look out for signs such as dry lips or mouth, sunken eyes or cheeks, dark urine color etc., which could indicate dehydration due to their elevated body temperature

4. Seek Medical Advice: If you are worried about your child’s health due to their high fever then it may be best seek professional medical advice from either their doctor or pediatrician who will be able assess them properly and provide treatment accordingly depending on what type of infection they may have contracted (or other underlying conditions).

By following these simple tips you should be able identify whether your child has a dangerously high fever that requires medical attention quickly so that appropriate measures can be taken in order protect them from any serious health complications caused by an untreated infection or illness


. fever, temperature, thermometer, symptoms, dehydration, medical advice,
