Treating High Fevers in Children

High fevers can be a scary experience for parents, especially when it comes to their children. It is important to understand the basics of treating high fevers in children in order to help them feel better and get back to health.

The first step for treating high fevers in children is determining the cause. Common causes include viral or bacterial infections, so it is important to take your child to the doctor if their fever persists for more than a few days or if they seem unwell. Your doctor may run tests or prescribe antibiotics depending on the underlying cause of the fever.

Once you know what is causing your child’s high fever, it’s time to start treatment. The most important thing you can do for your child is make sure they are comfortable and hydrated by giving them plenty of fluids such as water, juice, or electrolyte drinks. You can also give them ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol) according to instructions on the package label and age requirements as prescribed by your doctor. It’s also important that you keep an eye on their temperature with a thermometer every four hours and take note of any changes in symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea that could indicate something more serious than just a fever.

Finally, make sure your child gets plenty of rest and relaxation during this time so that their body can focus its energy on healing itself rather than fighting off whatever virus might be causing the fever. Make sure they stay cool by keeping windows open and using fans if necessary; dress them lightly in comfortable clothing; avoid activities that require strenuous physical activity; provide comforting items like stuffed animals; and encourage them talk about how they are feeling with you as well as friends and family members who may be able to offer support during this difficult time.

Treating high fevers in children can be a stressful experience but following these steps will help ensure that your little one gets back on track quickly while remaining safe and healthy throughout the process!


high fever, children, cause, treatment, fluids, ibuprofen/acetaminophen (Tylenol), thermometer, rest/relaxation, cool environment, comfortable clothing,
