Understanding the Different Types of Fevers

When it comes to fevers, many people are unaware of the different types and what they mean. A fever is a sign that the body is fighting off an infection or illness, and understanding the different types can help you determine how serious your condition may be. Here’s a look at the different types of fevers and what they mean.

Low-Grade Fever: This type of fever is usually between 98-100 degrees Fahrenheit and generally indicates that your body is fighting off a minor virus or infection. Low-grade fevers are often accompanied by mild symptoms such as chills, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and muscle aches. These typically resolve within a few days with rest and over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

High Fever: When your temperature rises above 101 degrees Fahrenheit it’s considered a high fever. This type of fever usually indicates something more serious than a minor virus or infection such as pneumonia or meningitis. High fevers can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as confusion, rapid breathing, seizures, extreme fatigue, dehydration and difficulty staying alert. If you have any of these symptoms in addition to your high fever it’s important to seek medical attention right away.

Recurring Fevers: Recurring fevers occur when you experience multiple episodes of high temperatures over an extended period of time (usually more than two weeks). These can be caused by conditions such as Lyme disease or chronic infections like tuberculosis so it’s important to see your doctor if you experience recurrent fevers for more than two weeks in order to get tested for underlying conditions that may be causing them.

Feeling warm without having an elevated temperature: Sometimes people feel warm but don't actually have an elevated temperature which could indicate something called “fever phobia” where the person believes they have a fever even though their thermometer reads normal temperatures due to anxiety about being sick or fear of getting sick from others around them. If this happens frequently then it’s important to speak with your doctor about ways to manage anxiety related health issues so that you don't become overly worried about every little symptom you experience each day unnecessarily!

By understanding the different types of fevers we can better understand our own bodies when we get sick and know when we should seek medical attention if necessary!


Fever, Low-Grade, High Fever, Recurring Fevers, Fever Phobia, Temperature, Viruses/Infections, Chills/Fatigue/Headache/Sore Throat/Muscle Aches, Confusion/Rapid Breathing/Seizures/Extreme Fatigue/Dehydration/Difficulty Staying Alert, Anxiety.,
