The Best Ways to Ward Off Colds and Flus

It’s that time of year again, when cold and flu season is in full swing. It seems like every day someone around us is coughing, sneezing, and generally feeling under the weather. But you don’t have to succumb to the same fate! There are a few simple steps we can take to ward off colds and flus this season.

First of all, practice good hygiene. This means washing your hands frequently with soap and water, especially after going out in public or touching items that could be contaminated with germs. Avoid touching your face as much as possible, since this is how germs enter our bodies. If you do need to cough or sneeze, make sure you cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow.

Next, make sure you get enough restful sleep each night — at least seven hours for adults — so that your body has time to recover from daily stressors and maintain its immune system functioning properly. Additionally, exercise regularly; physical activity helps reduce stress levels and boosts immunity by increasing blood circulation throughout the body.

Finally, eat a healthy diet full of vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables; these provide important nutrients for optimal health overall but also support our immune systems specifically by helping them fight off infection-causing bacteria or viruses more easily. Also consider taking an herbal supplement like echinacea or elderberry extract; both are known for their antiviral properties which can help prevent colds or flus from taking hold in the first place!

By following these simple steps we can all stay healthy during this cold & flu season! So don’t forget: wash those hands often, get plenty of restful sleep each night & exercise regularly — plus eat well & consider taking an herbal supplement if necessary — so you can ward off any unwelcome illnesses this winter!


cold and flu season, good hygiene, washing hands, touching face, coughing/sneezing, restful sleep, exercise regularly, healthy diet, vitamin-rich fruits/vegetables, herbal supplement (echinacea/elderberry), antiviral properties,
