How to Recognize the Signs of a Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal nail infections are a common problem that can cause pain, discomfort, and embarrassment. While it’s important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have a fungal nail infection, it’s also beneficial to know how to recognize the signs of the infection. Here are some key signs to look out for:

Discoloration: One of the most common signs of a fungal nail infection is discoloration of the affected area. This can range from yellowing or whitening of the nail bed to darkening or browning in patches on the surface. In more severe cases, nails may become brittle and crumble away.

Thickening: Fungal nail infections often cause thickening of the nails as well as separation from the nail bed. This thickened area will often be accompanied by an unpleasant odor due to fungus growth underneath the surface.

Pain and Discomfort: As your fungal infection progresses, you may begin to experience pain and discomfort in your toes or fingers as well as around your cuticles or near your fingernails and toenails. This is due to inflammation caused by fungus growth in these areas.

If you notice any combination of these symptoms on your nails, it’s important that you seek medical attention right away so that treatment can be started before further damage is done. A doctor will likely take a sample from under your fingernail or toe-nail for testing before prescribing medication or other treatments for your condition.


Fungal nail infections, discoloration, yellowing/whitening/darkening/browning, thickening, unpleasant odor, pain/discomfort, inflammation, medical attention, sample testing, medication/treatments.,
