How to Tell if You Have an Ingrown Toenail or a Fungal Toenail Infection

If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort in your toenail, it can be hard to tell if you have an ingrown toenail or a fungal toenail infection. Both of these conditions can cause similar symptoms, such as redness and swelling around the nail, pain when wearing shoes, and thickening of the nail. In order to determine which one you have, there are a few key differences that you should look out for.

Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail occurs when the corner or side of your nail grows into the skin surrounding it. This is usually caused by cutting your nails too short or not filing them properly. Symptoms of an ingrown toenail include redness and swelling around the edge of the nail, pain when wearing shoes, and tenderness when pressure is applied near the affected area. You may also notice a drainage from the area if there is an infection present.

Fungal Toenail Infection

A fungal toenail infection occurs when fungi invade and grow underneath your nail bed. This type of infection often develops in people who frequently wear tight-fitting shoes or socks that don’t allow air circulation around their feet. Symptoms of a fungal toenail infection include discoloration (yellowing) of the nails, thickening of the nails due to debris building up underneath them, crumbling edges on one side or both sides of your nails, and foul odor coming from beneath your nails.

Treatment Options

If you suspect that you have either an ingrown toenail or a fungal toe nail infection it is important that you seek medical attention as soon as possible in order for proper diagnosis and treatment plan development. Treatment options will depend on which condition was diagnosed but typically involve antibiotics for infections caused by bacteria along with topical ointments for both conditions in order reduce inflammation and promote healing process . For severe cases surgical intervention may be recommended by a doctor in order remove part or all affected nail in order prevent further complications such as permanent damage .

In conclusion , if you are experiencing any type discomfort related with your toe nails it is important not ignore these signs since they could indicate presence underlying condition . Therefore , make sure consult with doctor right away so proper diagnosis can be made along with adequate treatment plan development .


pain, discomfort, toenail, ingrown toenail, fungal toenail infection, redness, swelling, pain when wearing shoes, thickening of the nail, discoloration (yellowing), crumbling edges on nails, foul odor coming from beneath nails, antibiotics for infections caused by bacteria, topical ointments, surgical intervention, permanent damage,
