How to Care for Your Nails If You Have a Fungal Skin Infection

If you have a fungal skin infection, it is important to take special care of your nails. Fungal infections can cause discoloration, thickening, and brittleness of the nails. Here are some tips for caring for your nails if you have a fungal skin infection:

1. Keep your hands and feet clean and dry. Fungal infections thrive in warm, moist environments, so it’s important to keep your hands and feet as dry as possible. After showering or bathing, be sure to thoroughly dry off with a towel.

2. Wear shoes that allow air circulation around your feet. Wearing closed-toe shoes that don’t allow air circulation around your feet can trap moisture and contribute to the growth of fungi on your nails or skin. Choose open-toed or breathable shoes when possible.

3. Trim and file down thickened nails regularly. If you notice that your nails are becoming thicker due to the fungal infection, you should trim them regularly with nail clippers or nail scissors and file them down with an emery board or nail file until they reach their desired thickness again. This will help keep fungus from growing underneath the nail bed where it cannot be reached by topical treatments alone.

4 . Use antifungal treatments on affected areas daily . There are many over-the-counter antifungal treatments available that can help reduce the growth of fungi on affected areas of skin or nails; however, these should only be used after consulting with a doctor first as some may not be suitable for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding . Additionally , always follow instructions carefully when using any antifungal treatment product .

5 . Avoid biting , picking , or tearing at infected areas . Biting , picking , or tearing at infected areas can cause further irritation and increase risk of spreading the infection elsewhere on the body . It is best to avoid these activities altogether while dealing with a fungal infection in order to minimize further damage caused by scratching at affected areas .

Following these tips should help keep fungal infections from worsening while also helping maintain healthy looking nails despite an ongoing infection !


fungal skin infection, nails, keep hands and feet clean and dry, wear shoes that allow air circulation, trim and file down thickened nails, antifungal treatments, avoid biting picking tearing infected areas.,
