What You Need to Know About Treating Chronic Gingivitis

If you suffer from chronic gingivitis, you know how uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that can cause pain, redness, and swelling. It is caused by bacteria that accumulate in the mouth due to poor oral hygiene. Left untreated, gingivitis can lead to more serious health problems including periodontal disease and tooth loss. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat chronic gingivitis.

The first step in treating chronic gingivitis is to make sure you practice good oral hygiene every day. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing once a day using waxed dental floss or an interdental cleaner such as a Waterpik or Oral-B Flosser. You should also use an antiseptic mouthwash daily to help reduce bacteria in your mouth. Additionally, make sure you visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups so any issues can be addressed quickly before they become more serious.

In addition to practicing good oral hygiene habits at home, there are several other treatments available for chronic gingivitis depending on its severity:
* Topical antibiotics: These are applied directly onto the affected area of the gum line and work by killing off harmful bacteria that cause inflammation of the gum tissue
* Scaling and root planing: This procedure involves removing plaque buildup from below the gum line as well as smoothing out rough spots on tooth roots which encourages healthy gum tissue growth
* Laser therapy: This treatment uses light energy to kill off harmful bacteria while also stimulating healthy tissue growth
* Medications: Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain and swelling associated with chronic gingivitis
* Surgery: In extreme cases of severe periodontal disease, surgery may be necessary to remove damaged tissue or bone structure surrounding teeth

By following these steps along with practicing good oral hygiene habits at home, you can successfully treat your chronic gingivitis while helping prevent further complications from developing down the road.


chronic gingivitis, inflammation, bacteria, poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, tooth loss, brushing teeth, flossing, antiseptic mouthwash, professional cleanings and checkups, topical antibiotics, scaling and root planing, laser therapy medications surgery.,
