How to Identify Different Types of Headaches

Headaches can be an incredibly uncomfortable and disruptive experience, but it is important to understand what type of headache you are having in order to properly treat it. Here are some tips on how to identify different types of headaches:

1. Tension Headaches: These are the most common type of headache and usually feel like a constant, dull pressure around the head or neck. They can also cause a feeling of tightness or pressure in your temples or forehead. Tension headaches often last for hours at a time and can be triggered by stress, poor posture, skipping meals, or lack of sleep.

2. Migraine Headaches: Migraines tend to be more intense than tension headaches and can last anywhere from four hours to three days. Symptoms include throbbing pain on one side of the head as well as sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, fatigue, and dizziness. Migraines may also be accompanied by an aura—a visual disturbance that often appears as flashing lights or zigzag lines in front of your eyes before the headache begins.

3. Cluster Headaches: These are usually characterized by severe pain that occurs around one eye along with tearing from the eye on that same side as well as redness in the eye area and a stuffy nose on that side too. Cluster headaches tend to come in “clusters” lasting for weeks at a time with attacks occurring several times per day during this period before disappearing for months at a time only to return again later on down the line.

4 Sinus Headaches: These are caused by inflammation due to allergies or sinus infections which causes pressure around your face including your forehead and cheeks along with nasal congestion and drainage down your throat which can lead to coughing fits as well as other symptoms such as fever chills fatigue bad breath etc.. Sinus headaches may also cause pain behind your eyes when you bend over or when you move your head from side-to-side quickly so it is important if you think you have this type of headache that you consult with your doctor for proper diagnosis treatment options etc..

By understanding what type of headache you have, it will help make sure that you get the right treatment plan for effective relief from these painful episodes!


Headaches, Tension Headaches, Migraine Headaches, Cluster Headaches, Sinus Headaches, Dull Pressure, Throbbing Pain, Sensitivity to Light and Sound, Nausea and Vomiting, Blurred Vision, Fatigue and Dizziness, Aura Visual Disturbance Flashing Lights or Zigzag Lines in Front of Eyes.,
