How to Soothe Itching and Burning from Hemorrhoids

If you’re suffering from itching and burning caused by hemorrhoids, there are several ways to soothe the discomfort. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectal area that can cause pain, itching, and burning. While these symptoms can be uncomfortable and even embarrassing, they don’t have to control your life. Here are some tips on how to soothe itching and burning from hemorrhoids:

1. Apply cold compresses: Applying a cold compress or ice pack directly to the affected area can help reduce swelling and provide relief from itching and burning sensations caused by hemorrhoids. Try using a washcloth soaked in cold water or an ice cube wrapped in a thin cloth.

2. Take an Epsom salt bath: Adding Epsom salt to your bathwater can help reduce swelling in the rectal area while providing relief from itching and burning sensations caused by hemorrhoids. Simply add two cups of Epsom salt to your warm bathwater before soaking for 20 minutes or longer for best results.

3. Use witch hazel pads: Witch hazel is known for its natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling while providing relief from discomfort associated with hemorrhoid flare-ups. You can purchase pre-soaked witch hazel pads at most drugstores or make your own at home with witch hazel extract mixed with distilled water on cotton pads or balls of cotton wool stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week before use .

4 . Try over-the-counter creams : There are also several over-the counter creams available that may provide temporary relief from symptoms associated with hemorrhoid flare ups such as Preparation H, Anusol HC cream, Recticare cream, etc., However it is important to note that these products should only be used as directed since prolonged use may cause skin irritation or other side effects .

5 . Eat high fiber foods : Eating high fiber foods such as fruits , vegetables , whole grains , legumes , nuts , seeds etc., helps soften stools which reduces strain during bowel movements making them easier to pass without causing further irritation of already inflamed tissue around the anus . Additionally avoiding processed foods which lack dietary fiber will also help promote regularity which is key when dealing with symptoms associated with hemorrhoid flare ups .

6 . Stay hydrated : Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day helps keep stools soft which reduces strain during bowel movements thus preventing further irritation of already inflamed tissue around the anus . It is recommended that adults drink 8 -10 glasses per day ( 64 - 80 ounces ) however this amount may vary depending on individual activity levels so it's best to consult with your doctor if you're uncertain about how much fluid you should be consuming daily .


itching, burning, hemorrhoids, cold compresses, Epsom salt bath, witch hazel pads, over-the-counter creams, high fiber foods, stay hydrated,
