How To Use Essential Oils For Relief Of Symptoms Of HEMORRHOIDS

Essential oils are a natural and effective way to provide relief from the uncomfortable symptoms of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by swollen veins in the rectum or anus, and can cause itching, burning, pain, and bleeding. Essential oils can be used to reduce inflammation and provide relief from these symptoms. Here’s how to use essential oils for relief of symptoms of hemorrhoids:

1. Lavender Oil: Lavender oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce swelling in the area affected by hemorrhoids. To use lavender oil for hemorrhoid relief, mix a few drops with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil and apply directly to the affected area several times per day.

2. Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil has powerful antibacterial properties that can help reduce itching and irritation associated with hemorrhoids. To use tea tree oil for relief of symptoms of hemorrhoids, mix a few drops with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil and apply directly to the affected area several times per day.

3. Chamomile Oil: Chamomile is known for its calming effects on skin inflammation making it an excellent choice for providing relief from itching associated with hemorrhoids. To use chamomile oil for symptom relief, add 5-10 drops of chamomile essential oil to 1 cup of warm water in a sitz bath (a shallow bath that covers only your hips and buttocks). Soak in this solution daily until your symptoms improve significantly.

4. Frankincense Oil: Frankincense is known for its antiseptic properties which make it an ideal choice when seeking natural ways to treat inflamed skin associated with hemorrhoids as well as reducing pain due to swelling caused by them.. To use frankincense essential oils on your skin affected by hemorrhoid flare ups, dilute 10-15 drops in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba before applying directly onto the area several times per day until desired results are achieved


. Essential Oils, Hemorrhoids, Inflammation, Swelling, Itching, Irritation, Pain, Bleeding, Lavender Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Chamomile Oil, Frankincense Oil,
