Hiatal Hernia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Hiatal hernia is a medical condition that occurs when the upper part of the stomach protrudes through an opening in the diaphragm, which is a muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. It's estimated that up to 60 percent of adults in the United States have a hiatal hernia, though many don't experience symptoms. In this article, we'll discuss what causes hiatal hernia, its symptoms, and treatment options.


The exact cause of hiatal hernias isn't known but it's believed to be caused by increased pressure on the stomach due to obesity or pregnancy. Other factors such as age-related weakening of muscles and connective tissue may also contribute to hiatal hernias.

The most common symptom of a hiatal hernia is heartburn or acid reflux. Other symptoms may include chest pain, difficulty swallowing food or liquids, and regurgitation. If you experience any of these symptoms you should contact your doctor for further evaluation and diagnosis.

Treatment Options
Most people with small hiatal hernias do not require treatment as they are usually asymptomatic. However, if you are experiencing any discomfort or other symptoms then your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes such as weight loss and avoiding foods that trigger heartburn like spicy foods or caffeine-containing beverages. Medications such as antacids can also help reduce acid reflux symptoms associated with hiatal hernias. In some cases surgery may be recommended if lifestyle changes aren’t enough to relieve your discomfort or if there is evidence of tissue damage due to chronic acid reflux from a large hiatal hernia. During surgery a surgeon will repair the defect in your diaphragm so that it no longer allows your stomach to protrude through it into your chest cavity reducing pressure on your esophagus and relieving any associated pain or discomfort.

In conclusion, while most people with small hiatal hernias don’t require treatment for their condition those who do experience uncomfortable symptoms should talk to their doctor about possible treatments including lifestyle changes and medications as well as surgery in more severe cases where tissue damage has occurred due to chronic acid reflux from a large hiatal hernia


. Hiatal hernia, diaphragm, United States, causes, symptoms, heartburn, acid reflux, chest pain, difficulty swallowing food/liquids, regurgitation, lifestyle changes (weight loss), antacids medications, surgery,
