A Guide to Diagnosing and Treating Hip Pain

Hip pain is a common symptom that can be caused by a variety of conditions. In order to properly diagnose and treat hip pain, it is important to understand the causes and symptoms associated with it. This guide will provide an overview of the most common causes of hip pain, along with tips for diagnosing and treating it.

Causes of Hip Pain

There are many different causes of hip pain, including arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, muscle strain or injury, fractures or dislocations, pinched nerves in the back or pelvis area, and even diseases like cancer. It is important to determine the cause before beginning any treatment plan.

Diagnosing Hip Pain

If you are experiencing hip pain that does not improve after rest or home remedies such as heat/cold therapy and over-the-counter medications have been tried then it is time to see your doctor for an evaluation. Your doctor will likely perform a physical exam and may order diagnostic tests such as X-rays or MRIs in order to get a better understanding of what is causing your hip pain.

Treating Hip Pain
The treatment plan for hip pain depends on its cause; however there are some general treatments that can be used for most types of hip pain:

• Rest: Resting from activities that aggravate the condition can help reduce inflammation and allow healing to occur more quickly. It’s important not to rest too much though as this can lead to further weakening of muscles around the joint which could worsen symptoms over time.

• Physical Therapy: Physical therapy exercises may help strengthen muscles around the joint while also increasing flexibility which could reduce overall discomfort levels when engaging in activities that put stress on the area.

• Medications: Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen may help reduce inflammation while prescription medications such as corticosteroids may be prescribed if more severe inflammation exists due to conditions like arthritis.

• Surgery: In rare cases where other treatments have failed surgery may be necessary in order to repair damaged tissue within the joint itself or remove bone spurs from around it which could be causing irritation/inflammation leading to increased levels of discomfort when moving about normally throughout everyday tasks/activities.

Hip pain can range from mild discomfort through intense agony depending on its underlying cause; however with proper diagnosis and treatment you should experience relief from your symptoms soon enough! Make sure you talk with your doctor about all potential treatments so you can find one that works best for you!


hip pain, causes, symptoms, diagnose, treat, arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, muscle strain/injury, fractures/dislocations, pinched nerves in back/pelvis area, rest, physical therapy exercises/stretches, medications (OTC & prescription), surgery,
