How to Recognize the Signs of HPV

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common virus that affects both men and women. It can cause a variety of health problems, including warts, cervical cancer, and genital cancers. Knowing how to recognize the signs of HPV can help you get early treatment and reduce your risk of serious health complications.

1. Warts: One of the most common signs of HPV is the presence of warts on the skin or mucous membranes. These may appear as small bumps or clusters on the genitals, anus, mouth, or throat that may be itchy or painful. Warts may also appear in other areas such as hands and feet but are usually not related to HPV infection if they appear elsewhere.

2. Abnormal Pap Smears: Women who have abnormal Pap smears should be tested for HPV as this could indicate an infection with high-risk types of HPV which can lead to cervical cancer if left untreated. A Pap smear tests for abnormal cells in the cervix which could be caused by an infection with high-risk types of HPV.

3. Genital Lesions: People infected with certain types of HPV may experience genital lesions which are red or white raised bumps on the genitals that can become itchy and painful over time if left untreated. These lesions are caused by a type called genital warts which is highly contagious when exposed to another person through sexual contact or skin-to-skin contact during sex play activities such as oral sex or anal sex without protection like condoms or dental dams .

4. Genital Discharge: Another sign that you might have an active case of HPV is a change in your normal vaginal discharge pattern where it becomes thicker than usual with an unpleasant smell . This type of discharge is often accompanied by itching around the vulva area and burning sensations while urinating due to inflammation caused by an active case of genital warts .

5 Unexplained Pain : Unexplained pain in your lower abdomen could also indicate an active case of genital warts due to inflammation caused by them . This pain might feel like cramps similar to menstrual cramps but will last longer than normal menstrual cramps usually do .

Recognizing these signs early on can help you seek appropriate medical treatment before any further complications arise from leaving them untreated for too long . It’s important to remember that while some cases may resolve without treatment , others will require medical intervention so consulting a doctor is always recommended when dealing with any kind of STI including those related to HPV infections .


Human papillomavirus (HPV), Warts, Abnormal Pap Smears, Genital Lesions, Genital Discharge, Unexplained Pain,
