The Early Years: How to Keep Your Infant Healthy

As a parent, your number one priority is to keep your infant healthy. It can seem overwhelming when you are first starting out, but there are some simple steps you can take to ensure your little one’s health and wellbeing. Here are a few tips on how to keep your infant healthy during the early years.

1. Breastfeed: Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to give your baby the nutrition they need in their early years. It provides essential nutrients that may be hard for them to get from formula or other sources of food. Additionally, it can help protect against illnesses and allergies and promote strong emotional bonds between mother and baby.

2. Vaccinate: Vaccines are a vital part of keeping your baby healthy during their first few years of life. Make sure you stay up-to-date on all recommended vaccines so that your child is protected from potentially dangerous illnesses like measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, and more.

3. Stay Active: Exercise is important for everyone’s health – even infants! Encourage physical activity by playing with them regularly or taking them for walks in the stroller or carrier outside if possible (weather permitting). This will help build strength and coordination as well as provide mental stimulation for their developing minds!

4. Cleanliness: Keeping things clean is essential for keeping germs away from babies who have not yet developed an immune system strong enough to fight off illness on its own yet (this usually occurs around age two). Wash hands frequently with warm water and soap before handling them or any toys/items they come into contact with; make sure to sanitize surfaces regularly; avoid exposing them to people who may be sick; use only clean bottles/pacifiers etc.; wash clothes frequently; etc..

5. Healthy Diet: It’s important that infants receive proper nutrition in order for their bodies to develop properly – this includes eating a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains etc.. Avoid processed foods as much as possible since these tend to be high in sugar/fat content which can lead to weight gain/obesity later down the road if consumed too often during these formative years!

By following these simple tips you can ensure that your infant stays happy and healthy during their early years! Remember – it’s never too late start taking steps towards better health so don’t hesitate if you feel like changes need to be made in order for this goal to be achieved!


infant, health, wellbeing, breastfeed, vaccinate, exercise, cleanliness, healthy diet,
