How To Get Tested For Low Ferritin Levels

If you think you may have low ferritin levels, it is important to get tested as soon as possible. Ferritin is a protein found in your blood that stores iron and helps transport it throughout your body. Low levels of ferritin can lead to anemia, fatigue, and other health problems. Here are some steps to take if you think you may have low ferritin levels:

1. Make an appointment with your doctor or healthcare provider: Your doctor will be able to order a blood test to check your ferritin levels and determine if they are low.

2. Get the blood test done: The test will measure the amount of ferritin in your blood, which will help determine if you have low levels of this important protein.

3. Discuss the results with your doctor: After getting the results from the blood test, talk to your doctor about what they mean and how best to treat any deficiencies in ferritin that may be present.

4. Follow any treatment plan recommended by your doctor: Depending on the severity of the deficiency, treatment may include dietary changes or taking supplements such as iron tablets or injections of iron dextran (a form of iron given intravenously).

Low ferritin levels can cause a range of health issues so it is important to get tested if you think that you may have them and follow any recommended treatments from your healthcare provider in order to keep them at healthy levels.


ferritin, blood test, healthcare provider, iron tablets, iron dextran, dietary changes, health issues,
