How to Check for Head Lice on Children and Adults

Head lice are a common problem among children and adults alike. While these tiny parasites can be uncomfortable, they are generally not dangerous and can be treated with over-the-counter medications. However, it is important to check for head lice regularly in order to catch the infestation early and prevent it from spreading. Here is how to check for head lice on both children and adults:

For Children:
Part the child’s hair in several sections and look for small, white objects that resemble sesame seeds. These are likely to be eggs or nits that have been laid by the female louse. Carefully examine each section of the scalp for any signs of movement such as crawling bugs or adult lice. If any live bugs are found, they should be removed immediately using a fine-toothed comb or tweezers.

For Adults:
Checking an adult’s head for lice requires more precision than checking a child’s head due to longer hair length and thicker strands of hair. Begin by examining the scalp at the base of the neck where adult lice tend to congregate most often. Part each section of hair carefully while looking closely at both sides of each strand for any signs of movement or nits/eggs attached to the shaft near the scalp line. Pay special attention around areas such as behind ears, at temples, near forehead, etc., as these areas tend to attract more adult lice activity due to their warmth and humidity levels compared with other parts on top of an adult's head.

Once you have finished checking your own head (or your child's) for signs of infestation, it is important that you take steps to treat any live bugs you may have found as well as clean up your environment in order prevent re-infestation from occurring again in the future.


Head Lice, Children, Adults, Over-the-Counter Medications, Nits/Eggs, Fine-Toothed Comb/Tweezers, Scalp Base of Neck, Behind Ears/Temples/Forehead,
