How to Create a Lice Prevention Plan

If you have children, chances are you’ve had to deal with lice at least once. While it can be a hassle to get rid of them, prevention is the best way to keep your family lice-free. Here are some tips on how to create an effective lice prevention plan:

1. Regularly check your children’s hair for signs of lice. It’s important to check their hair every week or two for nits (lice eggs) and adult lice. If you find any, take action immediately by treating the affected area with a medicated shampoo or cream and combing out the nits with a special nit comb.

2. Keep long hair tied back or braided. Lice prefer long, loose hair, so keeping it tied back in a ponytail or braid can help reduce the risk of infestation. Also make sure to tie hats tightly under the chin when outdoors and avoid sharing combs, brushes and other personal items that come into contact with hair.

3. Wash bedding and clothing regularly in hot water (140°F/60°C). This will help kill any lingering lice eggs that may have been left behind after treatment has been applied to your child’s scalp. Make sure to also vacuum carpets and furniture as well as wash stuffed animals in hot water as an added precaution against re-infestation.

4 Educate your family about proper hygiene practices such as not sharing personal items like hats, scarves and combs/brushes that come into contact with the head; washing hands frequently; avoiding head-to-head contact; avoiding close contact with someone who has head lice; etc..

5 Use natural home remedies such as tea tree oil or neem oil if desired instead of chemical treatments for mild cases of head lice infestations . Natural remedies should be used cautiously though since they may cause skin irritation if not used properly so always consult your doctor before using them on children under 12 years old .

Following these steps will help ensure that you create an effective plan for preventing head lice infestations in your family!


lice, prevention, check hair, nits, medicated shampoo/cream, nit comb, long hair tied back/braided, hot water (140°F/60°C), vacuum carpets/furniture, wash stuffed animals in hot water, proper hygiene practices (no sharing personal items), tea tree oil/neem oil,
