Managing Low T with Supplements and Vitamins

More and more men are experiencing the effects of low testosterone, or Low T. Symptoms of Low T can include decreased sex drive, fatigue, depression, and a decrease in muscle mass. Fortunately, there are ways to manage these symptoms through the use of supplements and vitamins.

The most important supplement for managing Low T is Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to regulate testosterone levels in the body by helping to convert cholesterol into testosterone. It also helps to maintain healthy bones and muscles. The best sources of Vitamin D include sunlight exposure, fatty fish such as salmon or tuna, fortified milk or orange juice, egg yolks, mushrooms and fortified cereals.

Zinc is another important supplement for managing Low T. Zinc helps to boost testosterone production and increase sperm count in men with low levels of testosterone. Zinc can be found in foods such as oysters, beef liver and pumpkin seeds; however it is difficult to get enough zinc from diet alone so supplementation may be necessary if you have a deficiency in zinc.

Other supplements that may help manage Low T include magnesium which helps with energy production; chromium which helps balance blood sugar levels; boron which may help increase free testosterone levels; ashwagandha which can reduce stress hormones; tribulus terrestris which may increase libido; maca root which can help improve energy levels; ginseng which has been shown to increase energy levels; fenugreek which has been shown to improve libido and sexual performance; saw palmetto extract which has been linked with improved prostate health; horny goat weed extract for improved sexual performance; and nettle root extract for improved prostate health.

In addition to supplements there are also certain lifestyle changes that can help alleviate symptoms associated with Low T including getting regular exercise (at least 30 minutes per day), eating a healthy balanced diet (including plenty of fruits & vegetables), reducing stress (through meditation or yoga), getting enough sleep (at least 7-8 hours per night) , avoiding alcohol & drugs (as they can interfere with hormone balance) ,and avoiding smoking (which decreases circulation).

By combining the right combination of supplements and vitamins along with making some lifestyle changes it is possible for men suffering from Low T to find relief from their symptoms naturally without having to rely on medications or hormone replacement therapy treatments.


Low T, Vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium, Chromium, Boron, Ashwagandha, Tribulus Terrestris, Maca Root, Ginseng, Fenugreek, Saw Palmetto Extract, Horny Goat Weed Extract, Nettle Root Extract, Exercise, Healthy Balanced Diet, Reduce Stress, Sleep, Avoid Alcohol & Drugs, Avoid Smoking,
