How to Identify Signs of Complications from Malaria

Malaria is one of the most common and dangerous diseases in the world, and it is important to be aware of its signs and symptoms so that you can identify any potential complications before they become serious. This article will discuss how to recognize signs of complications from malaria, what those complications may be, and how to seek medical attention if needed.

Signs of Complications from Malaria
The most common sign of a complication arising from malaria is an increase in fever. If you experience a fever that lasts for more than two days or that increases in intensity, it may be a sign of a complication. Other signs include chills, body aches, headaches, nausea or vomiting, fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes), seizures or confusion. If any of these symptoms occur with your fever or persist for more than 24 hours without improvement then it could be an indication that something more serious is going on.

What are the Complications?
The most common complication associated with malaria is cerebral malaria - this occurs when parasites enter the brain causing neurological damage and can lead to coma or death if not treated quickly enough. Other complications include kidney failure, liver failure, respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sepsis (blood infection), hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and anemia (low red blood cell count). All these conditions require immediate medical attention as they can quickly become life-threatening if left untreated.

Seeking Medical Attention
If you suspect that you may have a complication arising from malaria then it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. This can help ensure that any underlying condition is identified early on so appropriate treatment can be administered quickly to reduce the risk of further health issues developing down the line. It’s also important to take preventive measures such as using insect repellent when travelling in areas where there’s a risk for contracting malaria as well as taking antimalarial medication if prescribed by your doctor prior to travel.

By being aware of the signs and symptoms associated with complications from malaria and seeking medical attention promptly if needed you can help ensure your health remains safe while travelling abroad or living in areas where this disease is endemic.


Malaria, Signs, Symptoms, Complications, Fever, Chills, Body Aches, Headaches, Nausea/Vomiting, Fatigue, Abdominal Pain, Jaundice (Yellowing), Seizures/Confusion, Cerebral Malaria (Parasites in Brain), Kidney Failure/Liver Failure/ARDS/Sepsis/Hypoglycemia/Anemia (Low Blood Cell Counts), Insect Repellent (Preventive Measures), Antimalarial Medication,
