How to Treat Malaria Naturally

Malaria is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease that is caused by a parasite that is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. While there are various treatments available, there are also some natural remedies that can be used to help treat malaria. Here are some tips on how to treat malaria naturally:

1. Increase your intake of vitamin C: Vitamin C helps to boost your immune system and fight off the parasites responsible for causing malaria. Increasing your consumption of foods such as oranges, grapefruits, bell peppers, broccoli and kiwi can help you get more vitamin C in your diet. You can also take a supplement if necessary.

2. Take herbal remedies: Herbal remedies such as ginger, garlic, neem oil and tulsi have been found to be effective in treating malaria naturally. These herbs contain properties which help to reduce inflammation, fever and other symptoms associated with malaria. Try making a tea using these herbs or adding them into meals for best results.

3. Get plenty of rest: Resting gives your body the time it needs to heal itself from the effects of the parasite responsible for causing malaria. Make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep each night so that you give your body enough time to recover from this infection naturally without any further complications arising from lack of rest or energy levels being too low due to fatigue or exhaustion caused by the illness itself .

4. Drink lots of fluids: Drinking plenty of fluids will help flush out toxins from your body which can accumulate due to the presence of parasites in your system; this will then help reduce symptoms associated with malaria such as headaches and fever while also improving overall health and wellbeing too! Water is always best but coconut water or fruit juice can also be beneficial if consumed during treatment too – just make sure they’re 100% natural with no added sugars or preservatives included!

5. Practice good hygiene: Good hygiene practices such as washing hands regularly and avoiding contact with mosquitoes (by wearing protective clothing) will go a long way in helping prevent further infections while you’re trying to recover from this one naturally! It’s important not only for yourself but those around you too; so make sure everyone in the household is following these simple steps each day!

Following these tips should help you successfully treat malaria naturally without having to resort back onto traditional medications for relief; however it’s always best practice to seek medical advice before attempting anything on this list just in case there may be any underlying conditions present which could complicate matters further down the line!


Malaria, parasite, mosquito, vitamin C, herbal remedies, ginger, garlic, neem oil, tulsi, rest, fluids, hygiene practices,
