How to Relieve Period Pains with Acupressure and Massage Therapy

Period pain can be debilitating, making it difficult to go about your daily activities. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that can help you cope with the pain and discomfort. Acupressure and massage therapy are two of the most effective methods for relieving period pains. Here’s how to use these techniques to get relief from menstrual cramps:

Acupressure: Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing technique that involves applying pressure on specific points on the body. To use acupressure for period pain relief, locate the points in your lower abdomen or back that correspond with the area of pain. Apply gentle pressure to these points for a few minutes at a time until you feel some relief from your symptoms. You may also want to try using a heating pad or hot water bottle over the affected area for additional comfort.

Massage Therapy: Massage therapy is another great way to ease period pains naturally. It works by increasing circulation and relaxing tense muscles in the abdomen and lower back which can help reduce cramping and other discomfort associated with menstruation. When massaging yourself, focus on areas where you feel tightness or soreness and use long strokes along with circular motions in order to release tension in those areas. If you don’t have access to a massage therapist, you can also try using a tennis ball or foam roller against your lower back and abdominal area for similar results.

Both acupressure and massage therapy are safe, natural ways of relieving period pains without having to rely on medications or other treatments that may have side effects or be more intrusive than necessary. With regular practice, these methods can help make periods much more bearable so that you can focus on enjoying life instead of feeling weighed down by cramps!


Period pain, Acupressure, Massage Therapy, Chinese healing technique, Lower Abdomen, Back, Heating pad/Hot water bottle, Circular motions, Tennis ball/Foam roller,
