How to Combat Acne Flare-Ups During Your Period

Periods can be a difficult time for many women. Not only are there the physical and emotional changes that come with it, but there’s also the added stress of acne flare-ups. Acne breakouts can be especially common during your period due to the hormonal fluctuations in your body. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to help reduce or even prevent these flare-ups from occurring.

1. Cleanse Your Skin Regularly – Keeping your skin clean is essential when it comes to preventing acne breakouts during your period. Make sure you’re washing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser that won’t strip away all of its natural oils. Avoid scrubbing too hard as this could irritate your skin further and make the problem worse.

2. Use an Exfoliant – Exfoliating is an important step in keeping skin clear and healthy as it helps to remove any dead skin cells that may be clogging up pores and causing breakouts. Use an exfoliant once or twice a week, making sure not to overdo it as this could cause irritation or dryness.

3. Spot Treat Problem Areas – If you do notice any blemishes appearing during your period, try spot treating them with an over-the-counter product containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to help reduce inflammation and kill bacteria on the surface of the skin that could be causing breakouts in the first place.

4. Change Your Diet – Eating foods high in sugar, fat and processed ingredients can increase inflammation in our bodies which can lead to more severe acne breakouts during our periods so try eating more fresh fruit and vegetables instead which contain antioxidants that will help keep skin clear and healthy overall throughout the month!

5 .Take Care of Yourself - Stress is one of the leading causes of acne flare ups so make sure you're taking some time for yourself each day whether it's reading a book, going for a walk or doing yoga - anything that will help relax both body & mind!

By following these tips, you should hopefully find yourself with fewer acne flare-ups during your period!


Periods, Acne Flare-Ups, Hormonal Fluctuations, Cleanse Skin Regularly, Exfoliant, Spot Treat Problem Areas, Change Diet, Take Care of Yourself,
