How to Recognize Signs of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a painful and often debilitating disorder that affects an estimated 176 million women worldwide. It occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus, called endometrial tissue, grows outside of the uterus. This tissue can cause pain and other symptoms during menstruation, sexual activity, bowel movements or urination. Recognizing the signs of endometriosis can help you get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan sooner rather than later.

1. Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding: One of the most common signs of endometriosis is abnormal menstrual bleeding or pain during your period. This can include heavier than normal periods, spotting between periods, longer menstrual cycles than usual or shorter cycles than usual.

2. Painful Intercourse: Pain during intercourse is another common sign of endometriosis that should not be ignored. Women with this condition may experience pain in their lower abdomen before or after intercourse as well as deep pelvic pain during sex itself due to uterine contractions caused by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus walls.

3. Pelvic Pain: Endometrial tissue can attach itself to organs near your uterus such as your bladder and ovaries which can cause chronic pelvic pain even when you’re not having your period or engaging in any type of sexual activity. This type of pelvic pain may be sharp and stabbing in nature and could last for days at a time if left untreated for long periods of time leading to more severe complications such as infertility if left untreated for too long..

4. Infertility: Endometriosis is one possible cause for infertility in women and it should be discussed with a doctor if pregnancy has not been achieved after trying for six months without success or if recurrent miscarriages have occurred without explanation from other causes being ruled out first through diagnostic testing..

5 Fatigue: Fatigue is an often overlooked symptom associated with endometriosis but it's very real nonetheless; many women who suffer from this condition report feeling exhausted all day long even after sleeping through the night without interruption due to hormonal imbalances caused by their condition..

If you are experiencing any combination of these symptoms it's important that you speak with your doctor about them so they can properly diagnose what's going on and provide you with treatment options that will help alleviate your symptoms so you can live a life free from discomfort caused by endometriosis


. Endometriosis, Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding, Painful Intercourse, Pelvic Pain, Infertility, Fatigue,
