How to Recognize When Professional Medical Care is Needed for a Severe or Persistent Mouth Ulcer

Mouth ulcers can be extremely uncomfortable and can make eating, drinking and speaking difficult. While many mouth ulcers are harmless, some require professional medical care. This article will provide information on how to recognize when professional medical care is needed for a severe or persistent mouth ulcer.

First, it is important to understand what a mouth ulcer is. A mouth ulcer is an open sore in the lining of the inside of the mouth. They often appear as white or yellowish patches surrounded by redness and can be painful or tender to the touch. Mouth ulcers are common and usually go away on their own within two weeks, however they can sometimes last longer than that.

There are several signs that indicate professional medical care may be necessary for a severe or persistent mouth ulcer:
1) If the pain from your mouth ulcer does not improve after one week of home treatment, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
2) If your mouth ulcer does not heal within two weeks, you should see your doctor for further evaluation and treatment options.
3) If you experience any other symptoms such as fever, swollen lymph nodes in your neck, difficulty swallowing or breathing, please seek medical attention immediately as these could indicate a more serious underlying condition such as an infection or cancerous growths in the throat area.
4) If you have any other underlying health conditions such as diabetes or HIV/AIDS which could increase your risk of developing more severe forms of oral diseases like thrush (a fungal infection), then please speak to your doctor about possible treatments for this condition before attempting home remedies for treating a persistent mouth ulcer on your own.

In conclusion, if you have a severe or persistent mouth Ulcer it is important to recognize when professional medical care may be necessary in order to get proper diagnosis and treatment options available so that you can get relief from discomfort quickly and effectively .


Mouth Ulcer, Professional Medical Care, Pain, Home Treatment, Two Weeks, Fever, Swollen Lymph Nodes, Difficulty Swallowing/Breathing, Diabetes/HIV/AIDS, Thrush (Fungal Infection), Diagnosis.,
