Nutrition for Treating and Preventing Recurring Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are a common and often uncomfortable problem, but they can be managed with the right nutrition. Eating certain foods can help to reduce the frequency and severity of recurring mouth ulcers, as well as prevent them from occurring in the first place. Here are some tips for using nutrition to treat and prevent recurring mouth ulcers:

1. Eat Foods Rich in Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 helps to boost immunity, which is important for preventing mouth ulcers from forming in the first place. Foods rich in vitamin B12 include beef, salmon, tuna, eggs, milk, yogurt and fortified cereals.

2. Increase Your Intake of Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation and strengthen your immune system. Eating foods high in vitamin C such as oranges, strawberries, kiwi fruit and bell peppers can help reduce the severity of mouth ulcers when they do occur.

3. Cut Down on Acidic Foods: Acidic foods such as citrus fruits or tomatoes can irritate existing mouth ulcers or cause new ones to form due to their acidic nature. Try avoiding acidic foods if you’re prone to getting recurrent mouth ulcers or reducing your intake if they do occur frequently.

4. Eat Plenty of Fibre-Rich Foods: Fibre helps keep your digestive system healthy by adding bulk to your stool which aids digestion and prevents constipation which is another potential trigger for developing mouth ulcers due to straining during bowel movements causing irritation within the oral cavity area.. Good sources of fibre includes whole grains like oats or quinoa; legumes such as beans; nuts; seeds; fruits; vegetables; potatoes with skin on etc..

5. Consume Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation associated with recurrent mouth sores . You can get omega-3s from eating fatty fish like salmon or tuna at least twice a week . Alternatively , you could take an omega-3 supplement daily .

Following these nutritional guidelines will not only help treat existing recurrent mouth sores but also prevent them from occurring again in the future . Eating a balanced diet full of nutrient dense wholefoods should be part of everyone's routine regardless if you suffer from them or not !


Mouth ulcers, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Acidic Foods, Fibre-rich Foods, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Beef, Salmon, Tuna, Eggs, Milk, Yogurt. Fortified Cereals. Oranges. Strawberries. Kiwi Fruit. Bell Peppers. Citrus Fruits. Tomatoes. Whole Grains (Oats or Quinoa). Legumes (Beans). Nuts and Seeds. Fruits and Vegetables. Potatoes with Skin On,
