What You Should Know About Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores, are a common and painful condition that affects many people. While they are not contagious and usually heal on their own within a few weeks, it is important to understand the causes of mouth ulcers and how to treat them.

Mouth ulcers are small lesions or sores that form inside the mouth. They can be white or yellow in color and may have a red border around them. They often cause pain when eating or speaking, as well as bad breath.

The exact cause of mouth ulcers is not known but they may be triggered by stress, certain foods such as citrus fruits or acidic foods, poor nutrition, hormonal changes during menstruation, certain medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin, food allergies or sensitivity to certain toothpastes. In some cases, mouth ulcers can be caused by an underlying medical condition such as Crohn’s disease or celiac disease.

Fortunately there are several ways to treat mouth ulcers including over-the-counter topical creams such as Orabase and Orajel which contain numbing agents to reduce pain and help speed up healing time; oral rinses containing antiseptic ingredients; avoiding acidic foods; increasing your intake of vitamin B12; using a soft bristled toothbrush; trying natural remedies such as aloe vera gel; practicing good oral hygiene habits including brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing regularly; avoiding spicy foods which can irritate the area further; drinking plenty of water throughout the day; eating yogurt which contains probiotics that help reduce inflammation in the body.

If you are experiencing frequent bouts of painful mouth ulcers it is important to speak with your doctor who may suggest other treatments depending on your individual case. It is also important to practice good oral hygiene habits every day in order to prevent future outbreaks from occurring.


Mouth Ulcers, Canker Sores, Causes, Treatment, Stress, Foods, Medications, Medical Conditions, Topical Creams, Oral Rinses, Vitamin B12, Soft Bristled Toothbrush Natural Remedies Aloe Vera Gel Oral Hygiene Habits Fluoride Toothpaste Flossing Spicy Foods Probiotics Doctor,
