How to Manage Neck Pain with Massage

If you’re dealing with neck pain, massage therapy can be a great way to help manage the pain. Massage can help reduce inflammation and tension around the neck and shoulders, which can be very beneficial in relieving discomfort. Here are a few tips on how to use massage to manage your neck pain:

1. Choose the right type of massage for your needs: Different types of massage have different benefits for different types of pain. For example, if you have chronic neck pain due to an injury or arthritis, Swedish massage may be more beneficial than deep tissue massage. Talk to your doctor or a qualified masseuse about which type of massage is right for you.

2. Use hot and cold therapy: Hot and cold therapy can help reduce inflammation and improve circulation in the area around your neck, which can help ease discomfort. Try applying hot compresses before a massage session and then using an ice pack afterwards to reduce swelling and inflammation.

3. Find the right pressure points: Certain pressure points on your body are connected with specific areas of pain relief when massaged properly. When it comes to managing neck pain, there are several key pressure points that should be targeted during a massage session including the base of the skull, between your shoulder blades, at the back of your head near your temples, behind each earlobe, and along either side of the spine at shoulder level. Ask your masseuse about these specific points so they can focus on them during treatment sessions for maximum benefit from each session!

4. Take breaks between sessions: While regular massages are important for managing chronic neck pain over time it is important not to overdo it by having too many sessions in one week or too close together without taking breaks in between sessions as this could lead to further soreness or injury in some cases! Allow at least 48 hours between each session so that your muscles have time to rest before being worked again!

5. Follow up with stretching exercises: In order to maintain good posture and keep tension away from certain areas such as around the neck it is important that you perform some stretching exercises after each session as well as throughout any given day! Ask a qualified professional what stretches will work best for you based on where you feel tightness most often so that you get maximum benefit from these exercises!


neck pain, massage therapy, reduce inflammation, tension, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, hot and cold therapy, pressure points, base of skull, shoulder blades, temples, earlobes, spine at shoulder level. stretching exercises,
