What to Do When You Get a Sudden, Unexpected Nosebleed

Nosebleeds can be a scary and unexpected experience, but they are usually harmless and easy to treat. If you find yourself with a sudden, unexpected nosebleed, here are some tips on what to do:

1. Stay Calm - It may sound easier said than done, but try your best to remain calm. Panic will only make the situation worse.

2. Lean Forward - Leaning forward helps prevent the blood from running down your throat and causing nausea or vomiting.

3. Pinch Your Nose - Use two fingers to pinch the soft part of your nose for about 10 minutes straight until the bleeding stops.

4. Apply Ice - Place an ice pack or cold compress over the bridge of your nose for additional relief from swelling and discomfort that may come with a nosebleed.

5. Avoid Blowing Your Nose – This can cause more bleeding or irritate already sensitive tissue in your nose which could cause further bleeding later on as well as pain and discomfort in the area afterwards.

6. See Your Doctor – If you have recurrent or severe nosebleeds that don’t respond to home treatment, it is important to see a doctor for further evaluation and treatment options such as cauterization or nasal packing which can help reduce future episodes of bleeding from occurring again in the future .


Nosebleeds, Stay Calm, Lean Forward, Pinch Nose, Apply Ice, Avoid Blowing Nose, See Doctor, Cauterization, Nasal Packing,
