Essential Vitamins and Minerals: What You Need to Know

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body. They help to maintain healthy bones, teeth, skin, and muscles and can also aid in preventing certain diseases. While it is possible to get these necessary vitamins and minerals from food sources, many people rely on dietary supplements to ensure they are getting enough of these essential nutrients. Knowing which vitamins and minerals you need can help you make sure you get enough of them in your diet.

Vitamin A is an important vitamin that helps with vision, reproduction, immune system function, and cell growth. It can be found in carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, cantaloupe melon, eggs and fortified dairy products such as milk or yogurt. Vitamin B12 is important for energy production as well as red blood cell formation. It can be found in meat (especially liver), fish (such as tuna), eggs and fortified cereals or dairy products such as milk or cheese.

Calcium is an important mineral for bone health that helps to prevent osteoporosis later in life. It can be found in dairy products such as milk or yogurt; dark green leafy vegetables like spinach; canned salmon with bones; sardines; almonds; tofu; soybeans; figs; oranges; broccoli; okra and black-eyed peas. Iron is another important mineral that helps create red blood cells by carrying oxygen throughout the body. Good sources of iron include lean red meat (especially beef), poultry (such as chicken) beans (like lentils), nuts (such as cashews) dark green leafy vegetables like spinach or kale , dried fruit such as apricots or raisins , fortified cereals ; oysters ; clams ; mussels ; liver ; kidney beans ; blackstrap molasses .

Magnesium is an essential mineral responsible for hundreds of biochemical reactions within the body including energy production , muscle contraction , nerve transmission , DNA synthesis , glucose metabolism , protein synthesis . Good sources include whole grains like oats & wheat germ ; nuts & seeds like almonds & cashews ; legumes such a lentils & chickpeas ; dark green leafy vegetables such a spinach & Swiss chard .

Finally zinc is another important mineral involved in various processes within the body including immunity support & wound healing . Good sources include oysters , lean beef , pork chops , lamb chops , crabmeat & lobster . Other good sources are pumpkin seeds sunflower seeds sesame seeds wheat germ chickpeas kidney beans mushrooms spinach oatmeal quinoa brown rice

By understanding which vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy it will help you make sure you’re getting enough of them through food sources or dietary supplements if necessary so that your body remains functioning properly


. Vitamins, Minerals, Healthy Bones, Teeth, Skin, Muscles, Prevent Disease, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Bone Health, Osteoporosis Iron, Magnesium, Energy Production, Muscle Contraction, Nerve Transmission, DNA Synthesis, Glucose Metabolism, Protein Synthesis Zinc, Immunity Support Wound Healing,
