The Different Types of Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on the ovaries. They can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. While some ovarian cysts are harmless and may go away on their own, others can cause pain and other symptoms, and may require treatment. It is important to understand the different types of ovarian cysts so you can recognize them and get the right care if needed.

The most common type of ovarian cyst is called a functional cyst. These arise during normal ovulation when an egg is released from an ovary each month. Sometimes, instead of breaking open to release the egg, the follicle stays intact and fluid accumulates inside it, forming a functional cyst. Most functional cysts don’t cause any symptoms or harm but they usually dissolve within a few weeks without treatment.

Another type of ovarian cyst is called an endometrioma or “chocolate” cyst because it contains old blood that looks like chocolate syrup when removed surgically. This type of ovarian cyst occurs when endometrial tissue—the tissue that lines the uterus—grows outside of its normal location in the uterus and attaches itself to an ovary, forming a growth or tumor called an endometrioma or chocolate cyst. Endometriomas may cause pelvic pain and heavy menstrual bleeding if they become large enough to press on other organs in your abdomen such as your bladder or bowel.

Dermoidcysts are another type of ovariancyst which contain several types of tissues including skin cells, hair follicles, sweat glands etc., due to abnormal development during fetal life in utero . These tumors are often found during routine pelvic exams but they rarely produce symptoms unless they become large enough to press on other organs in your abdomen such as your bladder or bowel . Dermoidcysts usually require surgical removal because they have potential for malignant transformation over time .

Finally , polycysticovarian syndrome ( PCOS ) is not technically considered an ovariancyst , but rather a hormonal disorder where multiple small follicles develop inside the ovaries leading to irregular menstrual cycles , infertility , excessive body hair growth , acne etc . PCOS requires medical intervention with medications such as birth control pills or metformin depending on individual patient needs .

In summary , there are four main types of ovariancysts : functional , endometrioma ( “chocolate” ) dermoidcysts , and polycysticovarian syndrome ( PCOS ). Most functional and endometrioma ( “chocolate” ) do not require treatment unless they become large enough to press on other organs in your abdomen such as your bladder or bowel . Dermoidcysts usually require surgical removal due to potential for malignant transformation over time whereas PCOS requires medical intervention with medications . If you experience any pelvic pain or heavy menstrual bleeding it is important that you see your doctor for proper diagnosis so you can get timely treatment if needed .


Ovarian cysts, Functional cysts, Endometrioma, Chocolate cyst, Dermoidcysts, Polycysticovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Pelvic pain, Heavy menstrual bleeding, Follicles, Medications,
