How to Manage Stress and Anxiety Related to Overactive Bladder

If you suffer from overactive bladder, you know how stressful and anxiety-provoking it can be. But there are ways to manage your stress and anxiety related to this condition. Here are five tips for managing stress and anxiety associated with overactive bladder:

1. Talk to a Professional: Talking with a mental health professional can be an effective way of managing your stress and anxiety related to overactive bladder. A therapist or counselor can provide support, advice, and strategies for coping with the condition.

2. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness meditation, guided imagery, yoga or tai chi are all great ways of relieving stress and calming your mind when dealing with overactive bladder symptoms.

3. Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity not only helps reduce stress but also improves the functioning of the bladder muscles which can help reduce symptoms of OAB (overactive bladder). Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day such as walking or swimming to help manage your symptoms better.

4. Avoid Caffeine & Alcohol: Caffeine is a known trigger for OAB symptoms so try limiting or avoiding caffeine altogether if possible. Alcoholic beverages also act as a diuretic which can worsen OAB symptoms so limit alcohol consumption when possible too!

5. Stay Positive & Connected: It’s important to stay positive in order to cope well with any chronic condition such as OAB (overactive bladder). Connecting with supportive family members and friends who understand what you’re going through is also helpful in managing your stress levels related to this condition


. overactive bladder, stress, anxiety, mental health professional, relaxation techniques, physical activity, caffeine, alcohol consumption, positive attitude, supportive family and friends.,
