How To Connect With Others Who Have Been Diagnosed With Parkinson’s Disease

Living with Parkinson’s Disease can be a difficult and isolating experience, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to connect with others who have been diagnosed with the disease, so that you can share your experiences and support each other. Here are some tips on how to connect with others who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease:

1. Join a Support Group - Joining a local or online support group can be an invaluable way of connecting with people who understand what you are going through. You can find local support groups through your doctor or the Parkinson’s Foundation website. Online support groups are also available through websites such as The Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research and The National Parkinson Foundation.

2. Reach Out to Others - If you know someone else who has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, reach out and connect! You can start by simply sending them an email or text message letting them know that you care about them and would love to chat if they ever need someone to talk to.

3. Participate in Events - Many organizations host events specifically for people living with PD, such as conferences, walks/runs, seminars, etc., where you can meet other people in the same boat as you. These events provide an excellent opportunity for networking and connecting on a deeper level than just online conversations or emails allow for.

4. Utilize Social Media - Social media is a great way of connecting not only with those living nearby but also those around the world! It is easy to join Facebook groups dedicated solely towards supporting those living with PD or even create your own group if there isn't one already in existence that meets your needs/interests!

By taking advantage of these tips, it is possible for anyone living with PD to make meaningful connections that will help them cope better while managing their condition on a daily basis!


Parkinson's Disease, Support Group, Reach Out, Events, Social Media, Connecting, Networking,
