How to Treat Pneumonia at Home

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can cause coughing, chest pain, fever and difficulty breathing. While it can be serious and even life-threatening for certain individuals, many people are able to treat their pneumonia at home with some simple steps. Here is how you can treat pneumonia at home:

1. Get plenty of rest: Resting your body is one of the best ways to help your body fight off any infection, including pneumonia. Make sure to get plenty of sleep and take breaks throughout the day if needed.

2. Drink lots of fluids: Staying hydrated helps thin out mucus secretions in the lungs, making it easier for your body to expel them. Try drinking warm liquids like tea or broth throughout the day to help keep your body hydrated and reduce mucus buildup in your lungs.

3. Take over-the-counter medications: There are a variety of over-the-counter medications that can help reduce symptoms associated with pneumonia such as fever, coughs and chest pain. Be sure to read labels carefully before taking any medication and follow dosage instructions closely as well as check with a doctor if you have any questions or concerns about taking these medications while treating pneumonia at home.

4. Use a humidifier: Using a humidifier in your bedroom will help add moisture into the air which can make breathing easier by loosening up mucus secretions in your lungs so they’re easier to expel when coughing or sneezing .

5. Seek medical attention if necessary: While most cases of pneumonia can be treated at home with rest, fluids and over-the-counter medications, there are some cases where medical attention may be necessary such as if symptoms worsen or don’t improve after several days despite treatment efforts at home . If this happens it’s important to seek medical attention right away so that you can receive proper treatment for your condition .

Following these simple steps will help ensure that you properly treat any case of pneumonia that may arise without having to visit a doctor’s office or hospital setting . However , it’s important to remember that each individual case is unique so make sure to follow all instructions given by a doctor when treating yourself for any illness including pneumonia .


Pneumonia, chest pain, fever, difficulty breathing, rest, fluids, over-the-counter medications, humidifier, medical attention,
