How to Use Prebiotics with Your Probiotic Intake

Prebiotics and probiotics are two important components of a healthy gut and overall health. Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that act as food for the beneficial bacteria in your gut, while probiotics are live microorganisms that can help to restore balance to the digestive system. Both prebiotics and probiotics have been shown to have positive effects on digestion, immunity, mental health, skin health, and more. When used together, prebiotics and probiotics can work together to provide even more benefits for your overall health. Here is how you can use prebiotics with your probiotic intake:

1. Choose a Probiotic Supplement That Contains Prebiotic Fibers: Many probiotic supplements now contain prebiotic fibers as part of their formulation. Look for a supplement that contains both pre- and probiotic ingredients so you can get the most benefit from them.

2. Increase Your Dietary Intake of Prebiotic Fibers: Eating foods high in dietary fiber such as legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and beans will increase your intake of prebiotic fibers naturally without having to take a supplement.

3. Take Probiotics with Pre-Meals: Taking a dose of probiotics before meals will ensure that the beneficial bacteria in them is able to feed on the dietary fiber from the food you eat during mealtime which will help them thrive even more!

4. Eat Fermented Foods Regularly: Eating fermented foods such as sauerkraut or kimchi regularly will also help increase your intake of beneficial bacteria which can work synergistically with any pre- or probiotic supplements you may be taking!

5. Take Probiotics at Night Before Bedtime: Taking a dose of your chosen probiotic supplement at night before bedtime will give it time to do its job while you sleep uninterrupted by digestion or other activities throughout the day!

By combining these tips with an appropriate amount of exercise and stress management techniques along with good sleep hygiene habits you’ll be well on your way towards optimizing both your physical and mental wellbeing!


Prebiotics, Probiotics, Gut Health, Digestion, Immunity, Mental Health, Skin Health, Probiotic Supplement, Dietary Fibers, Legumes, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts Seeds Whole Grains Beans Fermented Foods Sauerkraut Kimchi Exercise Stress Management Sleep Hygiene,
