How to Identify Triggers of a Flare-Up in People With Psoriasis

Living with psoriasis can be difficult and frustrating, as flare-ups can occur without warning or explanation. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to what triggers a flare up, there are certain factors that can increase the risk of an outbreak. Identifying these triggers is key to managing psoriasis and preventing future flare ups.

1. Stress: Stress is a major trigger for psoriasis flares, as it weakens the immune system and increases inflammation in the body. To reduce stress levels, try to practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, take regular breaks from work or school, get enough sleep each night, and make time for fun activities that you enjoy.

2. Weather: Changes in temperature and humidity can also contribute to psoriasis flares. Colder temperatures tend to dry out skin while warmer temperatures can cause sweating which may irritate skin further. To protect your skin from extreme weather conditions, wear appropriate clothing for the season (e.g., long sleeves in cold weather) and apply moisturizers regularly throughout the day.

3. Diet: Certain foods have been known to trigger psoriasis flares including dairy products, gluten containing grains (e.g., wheat), processed foods high in sugar or fat content; alcohol; and spicy foods such as peppers or hot sauces . To minimize flare ups caused by diet related triggers , try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables , whole grains , lean proteins , healthy fats like olive oil , nuts & seeds , legumes & beans , herbs & spices . Additionally reducing your intake of processed foods may help manage symptoms more effectively over time .

4 . Skin Irritants : Chemicals found in everyday items such as soap , laundry detergent , cleaning products etc may cause irritation on already sensitive skin causing a flare up . To avoid this make sure you use mild soaps with moisturizing ingredients when washing your hands or taking a shower / bath ; opt for natural cleaning products where possible ; wear protective gloves when using harsh chemicals ; avoid tight clothing that may rub against skin causing irritation ; always apply sunscreen before going outdoors .

5 . Medication : Certain medications are known to trigger psoriasis flares including antibiotics (especially sulfa drugs ), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen & naproxen sodium ; beta blockers used for high blood pressure ; antimalarial drugs used for lupus & arthritis treatment etc . If you think any of the medications you’re taking may be causing your symptoms talk to your doctor about switching them out with other alternatives that don’t contain these ingredients

By identifying potential triggers of a flare up in people with psoriasis it will help manage symptoms better over time by avoiding those particular situations / items whenever possible - leading to improved quality of life !


Psoriasis, Flare-Ups, Triggers, Stress, Weather, Diet, Skin Irritants, Medication,
