The ABCs of Sexual Health

Sexual health is an important part of overall health and well-being, yet it is often overlooked. To help people understand the basics of sexual health, here is a guide to the ABCs of sexual health.

A: Awareness. Being aware of your body and knowing what’s normal for you is key to maintaining good sexual health. Knowing your body’s signs and symptoms can help you identify any changes that might indicate a problem.

B: Birth Control. Unplanned pregnancy can have serious consequences, so it’s important to use some form of birth control if you are sexually active. There are many different types available, so talk to your doctor or healthcare provider about which one is best for you.

C: Communication. Open communication with your partner about sex and sexual health can be difficult but it’s essential for a healthy relationship and safe sex practices. Be honest about what you want from the relationship and discuss any concerns or worries that either of you may have about sex or contraception before engaging in any kind of sexual activity together.

D: Diseases/STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections). STIs are very common but they can be prevented by using protection during intercourse (such as condoms) and getting tested regularly if you are sexually active with multiple partners or have unprotected sex with someone who has had multiple partners in the past year or two years prior to engaging in intercourse with them..

E: Education & Prevention Strategies – It’s important to educate yourself on all aspects of sexual health so that you can make informed decisions when it comes to having safe sex practices; this includes learning how STIs are spread, how they can be prevented, what types of birth control methods exist, etc.. Additionally, there are various prevention strategies such as practicing abstinence or using protection during intercourse (condoms) that should be taken into consideration when engaging in any kind of sexual activity with another person(s).

F: Family Planning – If desired, family planning options such as fertility treatments or adoption should also be discussed between partners before attempting conception/pregnancy; this will help ensure both parties understand their roles prior to becoming parents


. Sexual Health, Awareness, Birth Control, Communication, Diseases/STIs, Education & Prevention Strategies, Family Planning,
