How to Know When You Should See a Doctor for Your Shingles Symptoms

If you have been experiencing any of the common symptoms associated with shingles, it is important to know when you should seek medical attention. Shingles is a painful and contagious rash caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chickenpox. While the condition can be uncomfortable and disruptive, it can also cause serious complications if left untreated. Here are some tips to help you decide when it’s time to see a doctor for your shingles symptoms:

1. If You Have Pain That Is Unrelenting or Intense: Shingles often causes pain along with its characteristic rash. While this pain may come and go throughout the course of your infection, if it becomes unrelenting or especially intense, you should seek medical attention right away as this could indicate a more serious complication.

2. If You Have A Fever: It’s not uncommon for people with shingles to have a fever in addition to their other symptoms. However, if your fever rises above 101 degrees Fahrenheit or lasts longer than three days, it’s important to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible as this could be indicative of a more serious underlying problem.

3. If Your Rash Is Spreading: The classic symptom of shingles is an isolated rash that follows one side of the body in a dermatomal pattern (in other words, down one side from head-to-toe). However, if your rash starts spreading beyond its original area into new areas of skin on either side of your body or even onto different parts entirely (such as up onto your face), then you should seek medical attention right away as this could be indicative of a more serious underlying condition such as meningitis or encephalitis that requires immediate treatment.

4. If Your Symptoms Last For More Than Two Weeks: Most cases of shingles will resolve within two weeks without any additional treatment; however, if they last longer than that then you should definitely see your doctor right away so they can assess whether any further intervention is necessary and provide additional treatments if needed (such as antiviral medications).

Shingles can be an uncomfortable and disruptive condition but fortunately most cases will resolve on their own without any further intervention; however, there are certain times when seeking medical attention is necessary in order to prevent further complications from developing and ensure proper treatment for those who do develop them. By following these tips above you can help ensure that you get prompt care when needed which will help minimize both discomfort and risk associated with having shingles!


Shingles, Varicella-zoster virus, Pain, Fever, Rash spreading, Symptoms lasting more than two weeks,
