Exercises for Relief of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is a common issue that can be caused by a variety of factors, such as age, injury, or overuse. It can be difficult to manage and often requires medical attention. Fortunately, there are exercises you can do to help relieve shoulder pain and improve your range of motion. Here are five exercises that may provide some relief:

1. Shoulder circles: This exercise helps to increase blood flow and flexibility in the shoulders. Begin by standing or sitting up straight with your arms at your sides. Gently rotate both arms in small circles forward for 10-15 repetitions, then reverse direction for another 10-15 repetitions.

2. Shoulder shrugs: This exercise helps to release tension in the neck and shoulders. Stand or sit up straight with your arms at your sides and slowly lift both shoulders up towards your ears as far as you comfortably can before releasing them back down again for 10-15 repetitions.

3. Chest stretches: This exercise helps to open up the chest muscles which can help reduce shoulder pain when done correctly. To do this stretch stand or sit up straight with one arm across the chest so that it’s parallel with the other arm at shoulder height; use the opposite hand to gently pull on the elbow of the arm being stretched until you feel a stretch but not any pain; hold for 20 seconds before switching sides and repeating on each side twice more if desired

4. Arm swings: This exercise helps to increase mobility in the shoulders while stretching out tight muscles in order to reduce pain levels over time when done correctly . Stand or sit up straight with feet hip width apart; swing both arms side-to-side across body like a pendulum for 15-20 repetitions before reversing direction and repeating again if desired

5 . Wall slides : This exercise helps strengthen shoulder muscles while improving range of motion which is important for reducing shoulder pain over time . To do this exercise stand facing away from a wall about an arm’s length away; place palms flat against wall above head level ; slide hands down wall towards chest level while keeping elbows bent at 90 degrees ; hold position briefly before sliding hands back up wall until reaching starting position ; repeat 15 times if desired


shoulder pain, age, injury, overuse, exercises, relief, shoulder circles, shrugs, chest stretches, arm swings, wall slides,
