How to Identify Symptoms of Sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses that can cause a variety of symptoms, such as headache, facial pressure, congestion, and fatigue. Identifying the symptoms of sinusitis is important for those suffering from this condition in order to receive proper treatment. Here are some tips on how to identify symptoms of sinusitis:

1. Check your nose: If you have a stuffy or congested nose, it could be a sign of sinusitis. This can be accompanied by a postnasal drip or thick mucus that runs down your throat.

2. Pay attention to pain: Sinusitis can cause pain in the face and head area. This pain may be felt around the eyes, forehead, cheeks and bridge of the nose. It may also worsen when bending over or lying down.

3. Monitor your breathing: If you’re having difficulty breathing through your nose due to congestion or blockage from mucus buildup, this could be a sign of sinusitis as well.

4. Watch for fatigue: Fatigue is another common symptom associated with sinusitis and can make everyday activities difficult to complete due to lack of energy or motivation.

5. Look out for fever: A fever is often present with sinus infections and may range from mild to high depending on severity levels .

If you experience any combination of these symptoms it’s important to seek medical attention in order to properly diagnose and treat your condition as soon as possible before it worsens further . With proper diagnosis and treatment , sufferers should expect relief from their symptoms within 7-10 days .


Sinusitis, Symptoms, Check nose, Pain, Breathing, Fatigue, Fever, Diagnosis, Treatment,
