Sinusitis: When Over-the-Counter Treatment Isn't Enough

When suffering from sinusitis, it can be tempting to turn to over-the-counter medications as a quick and easy solution. However, in some cases, these medications may not be enough to provide relief from the condition. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses that can cause severe congestion, pain and pressure in the face and head. It is often caused by a viral or bacterial infection and can be a chronic problem for some people.

If your symptoms persist or worsen even after taking over-the-counter medications, you should see your doctor for further treatment. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if they believe your sinusitis is caused by a bacterial infection. They may also recommend nasal corticosteroids or decongestants if you have allergies that are contributing to your sinusitis symptoms. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to open up blocked passages in the nose or remove growths such as polyps that are blocking airflow into the sinuses.

It’s important to remember that while over-the-counter treatments may provide temporary relief from sinusitis symptoms, they don’t address the underlying cause of the problem and won’t cure it permanently. If you find yourself relying on these medications more than twice a week for more than two weeks without any improvement in symptoms, then it’s time to seek medical advice from your doctor about possible treatments beyond what you can buy at the store.

Sinusitis can be very uncomfortable and disruptive but with proper medical care it is possible to get relief from this condition so don’t hesitate to seek help if over-the-counter treatments aren’t doing enough for you!


sinusitis, over-the-counter medications, congestion, pain, pressure, viral/bacterial infection, nasal corticosteroids/decongestants, surgery, temporary relief,
