How to Identify the Signs of Teething in Infants

As a parent, it can be difficult to know when your infant is teething. Teething can cause a wide range of symptoms, from mild discomfort to intense pain. It is important to be able to recognize the signs of teething in your baby so that you can provide them with the necessary comfort and support during this time. Here are some tips on how to identify the signs of teething in infants:

1. Drooling: One of the most common signs of teething is increased drooling. If your baby’s face and clothes are suddenly covered in saliva, it could be a sign that they are teething.

2. Chewing: Another common sign of teething is increased chewing or gnawing on objects such as toys or fingers. This behavior occurs because babies will chew on things as a way to relieve their sore gums during this time period.

3. Irritability: Teething can also cause babies to become irritable and fussy due to discomfort caused by their sore gums and emerging teeth pushing through them. If your baby seems more cranky than usual, it could be a sign that they are teething.

4. Swollen Gums: When an infant’s teeth start pushing through their gums, it can cause swelling and tenderness which may make them uncomfortable when eating or drinking cold liquids or foods such as yogurt or ice cream for example. You may notice redness around their mouth area as well as swollen gums if they are indeed teething .

5. Low-Grade Fever: A low-grade fever (less than 101°F) may occur during the process of teething due to inflammation caused by emerging teeth pushing through the gum line . It usually resolves itself within 24 hours but if you notice any other signs along with fever , contact your pediatrician right away for further advice .

By being aware of these common signs, you will be better equipped at recognizing when your infant is going through the process of teething so that you can provide them with extra care and comfort during this time period .


Teething, Drooling, Chewing, Irritability, Swollen Gums, Low-Grade Fever, Infant, Discomfort, Pain, Comfort,
